How to get pink lips naturally | Lip care

how to get pink lips naturally
Photo by Trung Nguyen from Pexels

There is no doubt that smiling increases the facial tone many times. At the same time, even if there are pink lips with a smile, no one will be there without you noticing. Pink lips are not only a measure of beauty but are also a mirror to your health.

lip care naturally for pink lips

Everybody wants their lips soft and pink, but for some people, this dream remains only. Does the same thing happen to you?

 Do your lips also look dry and chapped? If yes, then in this article on Skin and Health care, we will discuss in detail how to get pink lips naturally.

 I will also share with you some easy home remedies to get pink lips.

But first, we will know some causes of dark lips. 

1 living in excess sunlight or drinking hot tea makes our lips dark. 

2 smoking and tobacco also, make our lips black.

3 dark and long-lasting lipstick makes lips black.

4 licking narcotics make our lips black. 

5 Due to genetics

6 shorting of vitamins

7 if you have an allergy from any lipsticks toothpaste or balm.

8. Due to Dehydration

9. Due to anaemia

Some basic tips which we must avoid for our Healthy Skin and good Health.

1. quit smoking and tobacco.

2. stop licking narcotics. 

3. avoid long-lasting lipstick. 

4. remove lipstick before going to bed at night.

5. use SPF lip balm before going in sunlight.

Causes of Dry and Chapped Lips

Your lips are very sensitive and thin. Therefore, your lips require special care, so that they remain moisturized, soft and healthy. However, there are many reasons for lip colour change and rupture, which we are talking about here.

It is one of the many effective ways to heal chapped and dry lips. This will work well enough. Especially if you sleep at night with lip balm before going to sleep, you will get good results.


  •       Good quality lip balm
  •        Soft toothbrush or washed soft cloth

How to use

lip care naturally

First of all, apply a pearl layer of lip balm on your lips. The right time to plant it is at night before bedtime. By the time you wake up in the morning, the lip balm will be well absorbed into your lips.

Soak a soft toothbrush and massage it on the lips, so that the dead cells of your lips come out. You can also use clean soaked cloth instead of a toothbrush. Then wipe off the excess lip balm on your lips, so that there is a feeling of freshness on your lips.

When and how often to use it?

Just as your skin needs moisturizer, your lips need a lip balm. It acts as a moisturizer for your lips. Applying the pearl layer of lip balm before sleeping has many benefits. Applying lip balm before sleeping at night will keep your lips soft and soft in the morning. You can do this method every morning.

 How is it beneficial for lips?

naturally pink lips at home

If you use it regularly, it will easily remove the dry skin and layer of your lips. At the same time, it will moisturize the puffy lips. Now some home remedies for pink lips which you can try without any fear of side-effects.

Pomegranate Seeds Lip Mask

pomegeranate seeds lip mask
Photo by Jessica Lewis from Pexels

Pomegranate has many health benefits. Even if you drink its juice, you will still have many benefits. Often you will think that what should be done with the seeds that are left when extracting pomegranate juice, then we tell you how to use it.

 You can use them as an exfoliate. These can prove to be helpful in removing darkening of lips. Want to know how? So below, we are telling you about this.

  Ingredients :

·         Crushed or crushed pomegranate seeds

·         Cold cream

How to use:

Take a pomegranate and take out their seeds and crush them.

Now mix these crush grains with cream and make a paste.

Then apply this paste on your lips and leave it for 10 minutes.

After a while wash off with lukewarm water.

When and how often to use it?

You can apply this lip mask two to three times a week. This can help in improving the tone of your lips.

How is it beneficial for Lips?

pomegeranate for pink lips
Photo by Jessica Lewis from Pexels

Pomegranate contains a compound called punicalagin, which inhibits the production of melanin and prevents your lips from turning black. Now if the question comes to your mind that 'how to do pink lips', then remember the pomegranate once.  

This fruit is not only beneficial for your health but will also improve the colour of your skin and lips.

Honey Lip mask

Take one bowl and add one teaspoon honey sugar and coconut oil combine all these three then scrub for five minutes then rinse.

Benefits of Honey

honey lip mask for pink lips
Photo by Mareefe from Pexels

As we know honey is known to be great moisturizer honey helps to nourish soften and soothe the delicate skin on your lips. Regular use of honey will reduce the dark pigmentation of lips sugar is also worked as an excellent scrub to exfoliate lips and even help to get rid of unwanted dead skin and give you healthy and naturally pink lips.

Turmeric Milk Lip Mask

2.      take a bowl and add 1 teaspoon turmeric and 1 teaspoon milk then mixed well it will look like a paste apply on your lips for 5 to 10 minutes then rinse.

Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric is well-known Ayurvedic ingredients that help for treating pigmentation but its use is not limited to skin brightening turmeric combined with milk is used for dark lips and natural brightener for skin it reduces the fine lines and dark spots and patches milk works as a natural cleanser and makes your lips soft and pink.

Rose petals Lip Mask

get pink lips naturally
Photo by Rodolfo Clix from Pexels  

Take some rose petals make a paste then apply for 15 minutes then rinse. Rose petals cherish, lighten and soften your lips naturally work as a wonderful remedy for discolouration and repair dark patchy lips.

Beetroot Lip  Mask

beetroot for red lips naturally
Photo by Anna Tukhfatullina Food Photographer/Stylist from Pexels

 You need a half beetroot to prepare this lip mask it will give you the natural red colour you can use carrot juice also instead of it you can use food colour to prepare this lip tint.

Beetroot Cut into small pieces then blend it. the extracted juice from it now you need one teaspoon gelatin powder and add 2 teaspoon beetroot juice then add 1 teaspoon hot water if you want you can add half teaspoon glycerine into it glycerine helps to moisturize your lips.

Benefits of Beetroot

Popular  beetroot for its dark red colour is considered beneficial for health.

Whether to increase the amount of haemoglobin in the body or to maintain beauty, beetroot benefits in every way. It is one of the varieties of the genus Beta vulgaris and is the root part of the plant. It is often consumed in salads and juices.

Apply it on your clean lips apply quickly before it totally cools down leave it for 20 to 25 minutes for dried up then gently pull it off.

Cocoa and Chocolate Lip Therapy

chocolates for red lips naturally

Who does not like chocolate and what if you get chocolate lip therapy. Our next home recipe is chocolate, as chocolate is the perfect recipe for dry, cracked and dehydrated lips.


One teaspoon cocoa butter (this is easily available in the market)

Two cube dark chocolate

A vitamin-E capsule

How to use:

First, soften the chocolate portions and the butter.
Now destroy the vitamin-E pill and add its oil to it.
Then take this combination out in a bowl and let it cool.
When it cools down, observe it on your lips and depart it on for 10 to 15 minutes.
After that wash it with lukewarm water.

When and how often to use it?

You can apply this mixture whenever you feel that your lips are dry or losing moisture.

How is it beneficial?

how to get pink lips naturally at home

Dark chocolate contains some ingredients that can keep the skin hydrated. At the same time, cocoa is rich in antioxidants. This lip therapy will moisturize your cracked and dry lips by moisturizing them and making them soft and soft.

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