Throughout the day, fatigue and dust accumulate on our face, which is very important to clean at night, cleansing the face at night enhances the skin and also brings a natural glow on the face.

 If you use a good face wash to clean the face and if you have used face wash 3 times a day, do not wash the face more than that because using more face wash can dry your face and your face skin becomes thinner.

Apart from this, you can use home remedies so that your face will be a natural blonde and skin will be fair.


face cleansing for night
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Take a little gram flour in a bowl and add a spoonful of rose water and make a paste. Then apply on your face, massage after 3 to 5 minutes on your face, this will remove all the mess of your day. This is a remedy that helps to enhance your face. Use this step daily for the best results.


skin care treatment
Photo by NIX PHOTO from Pexels

After this, you immerse a clean cloth in warm water and steam your face, this removes all the dead skin cells on your face. And steaming is also beneficial in blackheads.


toner skin care
Photo by Humphrey Muleba on Unsplash

After steaming you apply rose water to your face and let it dry. Rosewater acts as a toner.

Rosewater is the best home remedy used for glowing skin and health. The multitude of advantageous facet results has given the rose, in some eyes, the certification of a miracle food.

Due to the plant’s high vitamin, antioxidant and wholesome sugar properties, the advantages of rose water vary from pores and skin hydration to calming frizzy hair. 

A natural, go-to medicinal drug for the frequent bloodless as well, rose water can be used as each day supplement. as nicely as rose water presents these advantages for the skin.

  • Soothes pores and skin irritation.
  • Soothes sore throats.
  • Reduces pores and skin redness.
  • Helps forestall and treats infections.
  • Contains antioxidants.
  • Heals cuts, scars, and burns.
  • Enhances mood.


face mask for night
Photo by Raphael Lovaski on Unsplash

For a face mask, you grind one potato and tomato in a grate, take out the juice in a bowl and add one teaspoon of raw milk to it and mix all three well.

 After that, dip the clean cotton in the mixture and apply it on your face and leave it for overnight. This is such a recipe that you will get the effect from day one and it is beneficial for every skin type.

Potatoes benefits

 Potatoes work wonders for your skin. They can successfully wipe off black spots or darkish patches on your face. 

Naturally, potatoes have some bleaching residences that assist slash scars, spots, and blemishes.

 It is prosperous in starch that reduces pigmentation and the enzymes in this excellent vegetable maintain the pores and skin healthy.

Tomatoes benefits:

Photo by Julia from Pexels

 Tomatoes are the main dietary supply of the antioxidant lycopene, which has been linked to many fitness benefits, such as the decreased chance of coronary heart sickness and cancer.

 They are additionally a superb supply of diet C, potassium, folate, and nutrition K.


                  Raw milk benefits:

Drinking uncooked milk will grant you with ample nutrition D and calcium, each of which is recognised to assist limit excessive blood pressure.

Raw milk can be used as a facial and physique cleanser.

 It has lactic acid, nutritional vitamins A, D, E and K and protein. 

This makes milk a moderate exfoliating and hydrating agent. Cold uncooked milk is very appropriate toner, particularly for dry pores and skin.

Moisturizing Reduces Skin Problems - Everyday moisturizer can reduce the likelihood of developing extreme dryness or oiliness. Both are harmful to extreme skin and cause common skin conditions like acne.

Other skin blemishes are included - the use of daily moisturizer ensures that the skin pores are under camouflage. This is because there is a slight glow to moisturize the skin, and also different skin tones with any tint or self-tanner.

moisturizer benefits for skin
Photo by Shiny Diamond from Pexels

Remedy of moisturizer

Take a clean container and add 2 tablespoons of rosewater +1 a teaspoon of glycerin +1 teaspoon sweet almond oil +2 teaspoon aloe Vera gel +2 vitamin E capsule then mixes it well. Leave it for 30 minutes in refrigerators. Now your face moisturizer is ready to use. Use this moisturizer 2 times a day morning and afternoon. You can store this moisturizer for 30 days.

Benefits of vitamin e capsule

Vitamin E oil works by blocking free radicals from the body. This plays a big part in the ageing process. If we can fight free radicals, we can reduce wrinkles and keep the skin young. It also has basic antioxidant properties that everyone needs.

  Apply rose water to your face and let it dry. Rosewater acts as a toner.

Rosewater is the best home remedy used for glowing skin and health. The multitude of advantageous facet results has given the rose, in some eyes, the certification of a miracle food to the plant’s high vitamin, antioxidant and wholesome sugar properties, the advantages of rose water vary from pores and skin hydration to calming frizzy hair.

A natural, go-to medicinal drug for the frequent bloodless as well, rose water can be used as each day supplement. As nicely as rose water presents these advantages for the skin.

•             Soothes pores and skin irritation.

•             Soothes sore throats.

•             Reduces pores and skin redness.

•             Helps forestall and treats infections.

•             Contains antioxidants.

•             Heals cuts, scars, and burns.

•             Enhances mood.

 Using Night cream at night on the face provides benefits to the face like :

·         The cream additionally helps in higher blood circulation.

·         The wrinkles and other strains on your face get reduced.

·         One essential position that a night time cream performs is that it prevents your pores and skin from sagging.

·         It makes your pores and skin gentle and supple.

·         Your growing old pores and skin can also no longer seem historic anymore.

·         It helps your pores and skin to restoration its elasticity.

·         Helps in the renewal of the cells and nourishes your skin


5-6 roasted almonds

1 teaspoon aloe vera gel

1/2 teaspoon almond oil

1/2 tablespoon rosewater

1 vitamin E capsule

Put all these ingredients in a container, and then mix properly. Now your night cream is ready for use. Use daily with your skincare. You can store it for 10 to 15 days.

Benefits of almond

almond benefits for skin and health
Photo by Keegan Evans from Pexels

Almonds are good for eye health. Almonds contain vitamin E. This vitamin guard against unstable tissues, targeting healthy tissue.

Almond is one of the best ingredients to treat dark circles. Consuming regular amounts of vitamin E can prevent age-related macular degeneration as well as cataracts.

Benefits of almond oil

almond oil benefits for skin and health
Photo by Mareefe from Pexels

Almond oil helps to lighten the dark circles under your eyes and reduces inflammation of the eyes. It is useful for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Almond oil also contains retinol, vitamin E and vitamin K, which can keep the delicate skin under your skin smooth without disturbing them.

Step-5       Lip balm

lip balm benefits
Photo by Mareefe from Pexels

Lip balm is a regular part of your bedtime routine as the temperature rises during the night to flush out your skin toxins and produce new skin cells. Lip balm helps keep these new skin cells smooth and nourish your lips. Your skin also loses moisture during the night.

The remedy of lip balm

Melt 1 tbsp ghee / clarified butter in a double boiler. Then, add 1/4 teaspoon of food colouring and stir it well. Once fully mixed, pour it into the container and let it set in the fridge for 40 minutes. Apply at night with skincare and whenever you feel that your lips need some moisturizing.

Benefits of ghee and butter

benefits of ghee and butter for skin at night
Photo by Irita Antonevica from Pexels

 Ghee and butter, each comprises integral fatty acids that assist the situation and nourish dry and chapped skin. This will moisturize your lips and make it soft, easy and pink. It additionally lightens darkish lips. 


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